jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020


Cartilla de Actividades de Ingles

Curso: 1 er. Año

Write the date in English: lunes 4 de Mayo………………………………………

Activity 1:Complete the sentences with am, is, are.(complete las oraciones con
esos verbos)
a-I …………..a Singer.
b-Chile and Bolivia ……………….countries.
c-Brad Pitt…………….from the USA.
d-We…………………..in Spain.
e-Judith……………….from Argentina.

Activity 2: complete the sentences use positive and negative forms of verb to
be.(complete las oraciones use la forma positiva y negativa del verbo)
a-(-)Ginobilli …………….from USA. (+)He ………….from Argentina
b-(-)Neuquen and Misiones……………..in Uruguay.(+)They…………….in Argentina.
d-(-)Africa……………………….a country.(+)It ………..a continent.
e-(-)I……………………………..20 years-old. (+)I ………………………….14.

Activity 3:Complete with a subject pronoun.(complete con un pronombre)
a……………..is my friend Anna.
b………………am 13 years-old.
c……………..are in the classroom.
d-Mr Alonso is my English teacher. ……………is nice.
e-……………are my friends Joaquin and Milton.

Activity 4: find the second part and match.( encuentre la segunda parte y una
con flecha)
1-my name a-panama
2-i´m b. a country
3-she´s from c- is Alberto
4-we d-are not japanese
5-Montevideo is the e-37 park Rd.
6-Her address is f-marcosgmail. Com
7-France is g-12 years-old
8-His e-mail address is h-capital city of Uruguay
Activity 5-let´s remember the numbers. Put the number in symbol.
Zero-------- three…………….. nine…………….. eleven……………..
Fourteen……………… seventeen………………… twenty……………..
Twenty – five………………… twenty- eight--------------------
Thirty-two……………… fourty-one………….. fifty- seven…………….

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