jueves, 16 de abril de 2020


Cartilla Fase cuatro
Materia: Inglés
Curso: 1ero. I y II

Write the date in english: lunes 13 Abril…………………………………………………………….

1-Remember the pronouns seen previously. Replace the names with a pronoun.
(recuerde los pronombres que vimos antes y reeemplace los nombres con un pronombre)
Steve-----------        Anne………………..       Scott and Jill…………….
A cat--------------          the school--------------       my family………………
Your name………………..         my mother………………..           an orange………………

2-Ask and answer about colours.
Examples:  yellow /folder  what colour is your folder? It´s yellow.
                 Green/glasses What colurs are your glasses?  They´re green
a-black /earrings   …………………………………………………………..?  ……………………..
b-orange/ watch   …………………………………………………………….?  ………………………
c-black/ pen         …………………………………………………………….?  ……………………..
d-blue/glasses      ……………………………………………………………?   …………………….

3-Verb to be: to learn.( verbo to be aprender)
Forms:   is        am        are(ar)
Meanings: ser      estar     tener
Is  --------tener           am------------tener              are-----------tener
     --------ser                  ------------ser                       ----------ser
     --------estar                -----------estar                     ----------estar

Uses:   I    am                you    are                 she    is
                                     We    are                  He     is
                                     They are                   It      is

4-Now, complete the sentences with the correct verb.( complete las oraciones con el verbo correcto) then say what the sentence means.( Luego diga q significa la oracion)
I …………………Mary.    Yo soy Mary.  
 He……………Paul.       …………………………………………………………..
They……….Sam and Juliette.               ……………………………………………………….
It……………. Pedro.                   ……………………………………………………..
We ……………… Emma and Mary.      …………………………………………………..
She…………………….Susan. ………………………………………………..
You …………………..Thomas.   ………………………………………………

5- verbo to be . Meaning tener. Complete with a verb and translate
I……………….. eleven years-old. …………………………………………………..
He………………..twenty years-old.  ………………………………………………
They ……………..sixteen years-old……………………………………………….
It…………….five years-old.  ……………………………………………………………
We ………………fifteen years-old.   ,…………………………………………..
she …………… four years-old.   ………………………………………………….
you ……………..nineteen years-old.  ………………………………………………….

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